Sunday, September 30, 2007
Isha and Gunjan are that type of my friends but as like before time played one more game with me and took far away gunjan from me. We three shared a lots of unforgettable moments together..we enjoyed together a lot..We watched lots of movies, We sang together and dance together on the same tune..we sat in college canteen long hours and just chat to each other. We had fun during class room sessions..we laughed together, eat together..and few more friends were always a part of out this "TYAGI GROUP" who was a large group of boys who considered us as their little sisters..along with few more guys like ankit,shubham,bhupi,vicmon(chikki)...and a studious group who did a lots of enjoyment some times and in this group there were abhishek,rajat,ankur,saini...and there was a special group also that was our hostel girls group who maned us "teen titliyan"..we had lots of fun during our final year fest and enjoyed a lot....and now,few friends are still with me and support me,love me,care me and ready to do anything for of them is sweetheart.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My dearest brother...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nainital is set in a valley containing a pear shaped lake and surrounded by mountains..we reached there in evening then searched for a hotel..but that was the peak time and nainital was full with travelers. There was no room reamin empty in any hotel in nainital and after searching a lot finally we got a room..after getting a room we went out for a walk and captured beautiful moments of our first evening in nainital..We ate baby corn then my family wanted to go for boating..but i didn't want to go because i scared with water..lake was very beautiful so,i try to control my fear and i also enjoyed boating along with my family members then we had our dinner and came back to our room. Room was not so,i was little upset but i was with my family so i forgot about room and enjoyed every moment..
Now,a beautiful morning knocking door and we viewed an unforgettable scene of sun rise..then we ready to go some tourist places..first we went to a temple near to our room then we took breakfast then we went to see Zoo..Zoo was situated at a top of a hill and roads was inclined..we went there on foot and we did lots of tracking..In zoo,i saw white tiger first time in my life and lots of animals. We spend 3 hours there then came back for lunch after taking lunch we went to mall road and did a lots of shopping..and ate ice cream there.Eating ice cream in cold days was like a,my brother and sis ate lots of ice cream there. Then next day we went to is one of the largest lake that's why it is named as bhimtaal..we enjoyed boating there also and there was a restaurant in the middle of the lake. We went to there and had breakfast and after spending few time there we came back..
There,we had lots of light moments when i was with my friends and sharing few memorable moments that i cant forget throughout my life... :)
Rahul Dravid...

In India,everyone has cricket fever and cricket players are just like god for their fans..As i m an Indian so i also love watching cricket and enjoying each and every moment..I like Rahul Dravid..He was successfully lead Indian cricket team and few days before i resigned from captainship and this was a shocking news for everyone..He is a very good batsman and a very good captain too. He was born on 11 January,1973 in the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh..He grew up in Bangalore,Karnataka.His full name is RahulSharad Dravid and he is well known with such nicknames jammy,the wall,Mr. cool..He is known as Mr. cool because he never loose his temper and always try to be cool and calm and didn't show the aggressive attitude and wall symbolised his strength as he always stand like a wall in front of his team and then no other team could overcome this wall..In the world of cricket,Rahul is known for his consistent batting and active leadership.He started his international cricket career in 1996 against England in Lords.Rahul has been one of the main pillar in Indian batting.Rahul is a person who is very clear about his career and personal life.He never mixed up his personal and professional life.He has a lots of fans and numbers of girls are in great proposition because of his innocent looks. And this guy finally engaged with a beautiful girl,Vijeta who is doctor by profession on may 4,2003.
Few days before a news shocked everyone that Rahul stepping down as captain..Dravid claimed that he wanted to focus on his batting and would fully supported whoever took over the reigns.He is a very good player and a very good human being.He is ranked among top 10 current test batsmen by ICC in world cricket.With a strong technique,he has been the backbone for the Indian cricket team.Rahul was involved in two of the largest partnership in ODIs,a 318 run partnership with Saurav Ganguly and then a 331 run partnership with Sachin tendulkar,which is present world record.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Last weekend i watched 3 movies on my friends laptop..and it was SAW and rest two movies were sequel of this movie that were SAW 2 and SAW 3...It was a horror movie but i found this movie as a thriller one not as much horror.. First part of this series i watched along with my friends in the friday's night in Mess..then i wanted to watch second part but it was not possible and then we watched rest two parts on Saturday noon and in evening...
It was directed by James Wan and Co-Written by Wan and LeighWhannell..In this movie,there was a killer named "Jigsaw"..this name was given by detectives who try to catch him..first part started,focused two men who found themselves trapped into a bathroom and instructed by someone to kill each of them was a doctor and other was a photographer..both were chained to pipe and they got a tape in their pockets and instructed doctor to kill photographer before 6 pm or his wife and daughter will kill..and killer of this movie considered all this as a game..Then,several flashbacks were presented in the movie to give the introduction of the JIGSAW...because doctor knew something about that killer. And in those flashbacks two cases were discussed in one of them there was a man who trapped in between wires and he had little time to come out from that wires but he didn't successfully do the task given by jigsaw and die at last. In second case,there was a girl who had a mask in around her neck and key was kept inside a body of a man and she had to kill that man and then took that key from the stomach of that man and she had only a minute after that minute that mask will blast and during all this work she had to cool down herself because if she took stress the timer will move more rapidly..Jigsaw consider all these peoples as a test and play a game..if they did according to jigsaw and follow all the rules described by jigsaw then they could come out from that trap and that girl was the only person to break the trap of jigsaw...
In the second part a new story started from a new game of that part we came to know about jigsaw..jigsaw was a very intelligent person..he discovered different type of gadgets..He is very old and he was a cancer patient and had few more days to live but he believed one thing that no one can die if its time hasn't come yet..and he didn't consider himself as a killer..because he said that i never killed anyone..i only tested them and play a game..they died only because of their mistakes..
First part was released in 2004 and after a great success of part one,second part released in 2006..second part was directed by Darren Lynn Bousman...
i love to watch movies specially thriller movies..and first time i saw this type of thriller and i liked it..
Raman sir's lecture..
After this a very good question was waiting and when it saw no one is suddenly came out..and problem was What is Recursion??? When do we us it?? and What is Global variables and Local variables?? and How we used it??? Long session was dedicated to this problem because then every possible use of recusion in data structure is used in that session..and It started from What is recursion??then we disscussed a factorial program..and store the value of each factorial by using global variable and then it cleared How to use recursion and why we need global variables..After solving all these problems.. Now,next target was How to find a node in Binary tree???and we met the target by solving it using recursion function..and then some stack operations were disscussed..How to implement postfix??and solution is by using stack then next question was How to implement Infix and solution is by using Tree...As we know very well "Human Mind Is Full Of Queries",every solution gave birth to new problem and again a question arised How to convert Infix to Postfix???and as frequently problem occured as frequently solutions were also occured..and solution is find postorder in tree and then u find the Postfix of a Infix notation..After that we discussed circular queue and how to implement it without using a counter..after solving this problem,At the end of the morning session before lunch we dicussed Breadth first search..and when lots of queries got answers..we went for lunch to prepare themselves for next session but one thing was there that move in everyone's mind that today is SUNDAY... :) Sir had the solution of this problem also and end the session for today and gave chance to enjoy our weekend.. :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My first novel...
Chetan bhagat is an exIITian,graduating from IIT Delhi in 1995 then he did MBA from IIM , Ahmedabad in 1997. After MBA he has been working in Hong Kong.He love writing and his love for writing has meant frequently contributed articles and stories in local newspapers. In "Five Point Someone", he provide an inside view about the most famous college of INDIA..
This is very famous novel and love by youngsters..and i am one of that person who like this novel..This novel is all about college life and it is based on three IIT students who thought that they are best but when they entered into the IIT Delhi. They realised that they are below than average students. In this story,there are three characters Ryan,Alok and narrator Hari...few other characters were also present in the story but they all were related to these three guys. Story is narrated by Hari who is not so attractive but smart guy and easily get influenced by Ryan and treat him like his ideal and want to become like him.
Second guy is Ryan who is person with attractive personality,rich,dare to do anything and fun loving..Third person is Alok who is hard working guy,simple and some times irritates his friends Ryan and Hari. These characters fit into the present day youth..Story starts from first day of college life of these three guys and what happened with them and how they ragged by seniors and how they faces problems during studies and how they enjoy their college days. It shows the both part of student's life "enjoyment of freedom" and "labour for academics".. These guys had lots of fun and they suffered lots of problems. Chetan takes every engineering student back to their college life and down to memory lane. And showed that situations might not have been same for every one. Hari wishes to be Ryan..Alok wishes to be a student with GPA 9..and Ryan wanted to do something different.. This novel is also about their friendship and their thinking towards life. When i read this novel i felt that it all happened around me and the character are real...
Sunday, September 2, 2007
INdo- US 123 Bilateral Agreement*********
what the leftists have failed to understand is that the coming millennia will be all about eNergy. already the resourses are falling short than the needs. and this concept of utilization of Nuclear energy cant be refuted by anyone. THE fact is that india needs the help of west and the so called superpowers to get the required nuclear fuel. and what this agreement has done is to make india move in the direction of self sufficiency in eNergy.
The left's arguements that we are selling at the hands of US is hard to concieve. THe comman man may agree with their views only becoz of bush's world hated image. but the fact is that the deal is most profitable for india only. this deal will mark a new beginning in the relations of US and india post the cold war era.
US is beginning to see india as the potential strategic partner and economic ally. the left has to look beyond their views against white imperialism practiced by US. they hAve to understand that communism alone cant take india forward. THe dynamics of whole world have changed. and india has to be flexible while dealing with such axis of powers. the most symbolic power of communism china has shown the path. it itself opened his economy to the world and now is ready for disinvestment.
The deal surely will help india in building its resoures for civilian Nuclear needs and also protect its military facilities of india. the only glitch in this deal was that the PR done by government could have been better.
i m sure no sensible person would disagree that this is the best possible Nuclear deal that any US government will be able to offer us. never before have, we seen such a political will by any US government to deal in such a positive manner with india. and the political bigwigs will surely not like to miss this Nuclear bus, because this will be a missed opportunity.
ROJA was the beginning of his golden career and he made a history and suddenly a huge amount of people started listening his music..there is a magic in his music and it created an environment in which people lost themselves and enjoy his music and feel it..
This music helps people to forget their problems and gave some soothing moments..Now,rahman launched in Hindi film industry by Ram Gopal Verma by his movie Rangeela...and then one after another super hit albums of movie Bombay, Dil Se, Taal, Guru, Rang De Basanti....was come into the market.
His singing is also admired by lots of people...and i like him as a singer too. His song that i like most is Vande Matram..and he sang that song with great feeling and give a impact of our country beautifully...I love to hear his songs and enjoy every song..
Saturday, September 1, 2007
My favourite festival...$$....
Holi is a popular festival of is also known as festival of colours..This colourful festival is celebrated on Phalgun Poornima that comes in either in februrary or in march. This festival begins with lighting up bonfire on the HOLI eve..this festival celebrates two days. First day is known as HOLI,in the evening of this day bonfire lightup and people dance around this bonfire and eats sweets and wish each other by hugging and saying HAPPY HOLI...The colourful festival brdiges the social gap and begings the sweet relationships. On this day people try to forget old disputs and begins new relationship..
Next day is know as DULHENDI..this the day when i enjoyed a lot.On this day people rub gulal,abeer on the face of each other..and have fun. I love to play Holi..I bought lots of Colour and gulal and then makes plans to rub colours on the face of my cousions,family members..
My family told me devil on HOLI..because i didnt leave anyone and did lots of masti. I have lots of good memories of this beautiful festival..When i was a kid,i woke up early in moring on the HOLI and fill up baloons and buckets..and then play holi whole day..we started playing holi 2-3 days before the main event. After playning HOLI,no one can recognise me because my face was painted with different colours..We danced a lot and eating lots of sweets specially gunjhiya..and lots of special dishes made by mumma like pani puri,papdi,chat,
different kinds of namkeens..
This festival is related to my birth..when i first entered into my home with my mumma that day is HOLI..and my family welcomed me on this colourful festival..and my uncles put a colours on my cheeks and that was the first moment when i touched colour and feel the colours..
Bright colours..Water Baloons...Lavish gunjhiya...and meodious songs...are the ingredents of perfect HOLI.. This festival brings happiness. There are different types of HOLI in India..Diffent type of Holi is played at different places. Somewhere Holi is played with flowers instead of colours. In mathura this festival has a great importance and a big celebration is held there..Holi is related to HINDU but this festival is associated with different type of culture and most of the people in INDIA play mathura,holi celebration is spread near about 16 days and different types of HOLI is played there..This festival is associated with lord krishna and lord krishna associated with mathura thats why HOLI is the big celebration there..
Enjoy HOLI....